Announcement! - Mobile Consular Service by the High Commission of Kenya in Vancouver, BC - See our "Events" page.

Birth and Death Search Certificate

Requirements for Duplicate Birth Certificate

1.  Formal Letter of Application
2.  Two duly completed “search forms” Please click here to download
3. CAD $210.00 (non-refundable Money Order/Banker’s Draft/Certified cheque only payable to Kenya High Commission).
** No refunds will be made for applications mailed to this office with amounts over and above the indicated amount.
4.  Two clear copies of the original birth certificate or birth notification from hospital.
5.  A pre-paid self addressed return Xpresspost courier envelope from Canada Post (it should have a tracking number).
Other courier services should have a “computer-generated label“


–  All fees listed are in Canadian currency only
–  For walk-ins, we have an interac machine hence clients can use credit/debit cards for payments.
–  Payment of fee does not guarantee that a Duplicate Birth Certificate will be issued.
–  The processing time is between 2-6 months.

Requirements for Registration of Birth of Kenyan Occurring Abroad

Provide the following in duplicate:

1.  Application form duly filled Form BDA 1 click here to download form
2.  Certified copies of bio-data page of both parents passports, ID cards & birth certificates.
3.  Certified/notarized copy of child’s foreign birth certificate/registration of birth with both parents’ names.
4.  Applicant above the age of maturity (18years or above) should show proof of Dual Citizenship Disclosure.
5.  Certified copies of parents’ marriage certificate either international or translated into English, if legally married.
6.  2 (two) certified/notarized copies of both parents’ current Kenyan passports, birth certificates and 2nd generation cards (if one parent is non-Kenyan – certified or notarized copy of foreign passport and birth certificate.
7.  2 (two) certified /notarized copies of both parents’ Kenyan passport valid at the time of birth of child.
8.  A non-refundable fee of CAD $210.00 payable to Kenya High Commission by either Money Order/Bankers Draft or Certified cheque
9.  Walk-in’s to the Mission can use debit card or visa card.
10.  Attach a pre-paid Self-Addressed Return Courier Envelope e.g: – Xpresspost from Canada Post. Other courier services such as Fedex/UPS must have a computer-generated label.

Processing time: 4 months or more.

Please mail the above documents by courier to:-

K1N 6R4