Announcement! - Mobile Consular Service by the High Commission of Kenya in Vancouver, BC - See our "Events" page.


Work Permits

Please note that all non-Kenya Citizens must be in possession of Entry/Work Permits issued by the Director of Immigration Services, before they can take up employment in Kenya, whether paid or unpaid.

Applications for issue of Entry/Work permits are not processed at this Mission, they can be submitted online through

Applications may be considered when submitted by prospective employers on behalf of their prospective employees. These may not normally be approved unless the prospective employer(s) can show evidence that they have been unable to fill the Particular Post(s) due to lack of suitably qualified personnel in the Kenya Labour Market.

Those seeking to work in Kenya must therefore ensure that their prospective employers have secured appropriate Entry/Work Permits before they proceed to Kenya.

Foreigners who wish to engage either alone or in Partnership in Business, specific trade or profession would have to furnish evidence that they have obtained or are assured of obtaining relevant licence(s), Registration or other authority that may be necessary in order to engage in the Contemplated Business, trade or profession.

In addition, they would be required to prove that they have sufficient capital derived from sources outside Kenya which is certain to be remitted to Kenya for the purpose.

Those who wish to emigrate to Kenya and reside (without working, practicing without doing business) may make online application for issue of Entry/Work Permit Class K through

Visa applicants who intend to undertake employment, residence, an internship/ placement and volunteer work in Kenya are further required to visit the Department of Immigration Services Foreign Nationals Portal for more information prior to their engagement in the respective attachments.